Dear Parents
Please find below information from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, which they have asked us to share with parents.
Consultation focus groups on draft specifications L1 and L2 for Leaving Certificate Irish
Date and time: Thursday 30 September, 18:00-20:00
Are you aware that new draft specifications L1 and L2 are being developed for Leaving Certificate Irish and that the changes agreed following consultation of the draft specifications will affect your child currently in primary school when they undertake the Leaving Certificate?
These consultation focus groups are being organised by NPC and NCCA as part of the ongoing consultation on the draft curriculum specifications for Leaving Certificate Irish L1 and L2. National Parents Council Primary (NPC) is the representative organisation for parents of children in primary education. NCCA advises the Minister for Education and Skills on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education, primary and post-primary schools.
The changes proposed in these draft specifications will be in place when your child reaches Leaving Certificate. Therefore it is important that we hear your views on these important changes.
As you know there are two versions of the Primary Language Curriculum (2019), one which is focused specifically on Gaeltacht schools and Irish-medium schools and another which is focused specifically on English-medium schools.
Leaving Certificate Irish L1 is aimed at native speakers and learners in Gaeltacht schools, and students in the sector that operate through the Irish language (Gaelcholáistí and Aonaid lán-Ghaeilge). In schools that operate as English-medium schools, there will also be the option to provide the L1 specification.
Leaving Certificate Irish L2 is aimed at students who use the Irish language as a second language, primarily in schools that operate as English-medium schools.
Parents who attend this event will:
- Get an understanding of the background and context to the development of the draft specifications
- Be given an overview of the main elements of the draft specifications and of the current consultation process
- Have their views on the draft specifications listened to and recorded
- Influence the next steps of the development of the draft specifications
- Help shape the future of their child’s education
You can register for this event by completing the registration form available here.
Best Regards
David Perkins
NPC Administration
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