Dear Parents,

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is updating the National Strategy for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision Making. This strategy aims to make sure that children and young people are at the centre of decision-making in Ireland.

To inform this strategy we have developed two surveys, one for you and one for your child to help us find out about how satisfied you and your child/children are with children’s participation and consultation in decision-making in Ireland in relation to education. Both surveys are short and should only take a few minutes to complete.

The National Parents Council will submit a report to the Department detailing what parents and children feel is working well and supporting children’s participation in decision-making, and what needs to be improved to make sure more children and young people have their voices heard in conversations about education.

These are snap surveys and will close at 9am, this Friday the 20th of January 2023.

Link to parents’ survey:

Link to children’s survey:

Kind regards

Clare Downey

Clare Downey

Early Years Services Manager