Dear Parent,
RE: Fáilte ar ais
The BoM and School Staff are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils and parents / guardians back to school for the 2020/2021 school year on Monday next, 31st August (Junior Infants August 28th).
We are satisfied that we have control measures in place to ensure that this will be a safe re-opening. It will take some time for all of us to get used to the “new circumstances” as we become familiar with the new routines and procedures designed to keep everyone safe and to prevent the spread of the virus. There will, undoubtedly, be some unforeseen challenges and we will deal with these as they arise.
We have updated our Code of Behaviour to incorporate Covid 19 guidelines and revision of our Enrolment Policy, parents will need to read the Code of Behaviour and sign a declaration of agreement with the code before students return to school. Also along with the above there is a declaration of fitness to Return to School (no Covid Symptoms) for each child, contact details in case of emergency and declarations that each family has read all letters and accepts our Return to School Logistics Plan posted on our website
In line with HSE guidance please ensure that the hand sanitiser your child brings to school is alcohol free. This Wednesday we will leave labelled boxes in the school shelter for each class (including Infants), please drop all school equipment (labelled in plastic bag) into the boxes for sanitising. We will also leave the boxes with last years wellies in the shelter to bring home.
Students won’t have any homework for at least the first three weeks, therefore each child will only need their lunch, sanitiser (non alcohol), wipes, clean hand towel in their school bag each day.
Parents or person designated to collect and drop off Junior & Senior Infants, please wear a face mask when you enter the school yard and please adhere to our designated waiting areas and adhere to social distancing. (Please communicate the above to any person who will be collecting your child).
We would like to thank you for your co-operation in making preparations to date and look forward to working with you as we assist the children adapt to the necessary changes. We are also conscious of the fact that our pupils have not been in school since March and that they are looking forward to coming back to school to meet their friends again. There are resources for parents on preparing for the return to school on our website & . We are aware that our new pupils are beginning a school year at a challenging time and have made plans to ensure that their arrival will be as free from stress as possible.
Is mise le meas,
Vincent Glynn