Connect with Confirmation – for Parents and Guardians
“Connect with Confirmation” aims to explore the Sacrament of Confirmation with parents and guardians of candidates who will be receiving the Sacrament in 2022. It is hosted by the Partners in the Gospel volunteer catechists in the Diocese of Elphin.
These three online sessions for parishes in the Athlone Deanery will take place on Mondays 24th January, 31st January and 7th February at 8.00pm.
The poster to advertise this is attached and the zoom link is below.
Meeting ID: 824 2191 9841
Passcode: Parents
This information (and information on similar for First Holy Communion parents/guardians) is also available at
Kind regards,
On behalf of the Partners in the Gospel
Diocese of Elphin,
St Mary’s
Temple Street
F91 KTX2
Tel: 071 9150106
Email: [email protected]