Supporting your Child to build Healthy Friendships and Relationships – Virtual sessions taking place during the week of the 16th of May 2022
A programme delivered by National Parents Council Primary and funded by the Sexual Health Crisis Pregnancy Programme.
All adults and children struggle with friendships at some point in their lives, would you like to learn more about supporting your child to make and sustain healthy friendships?
Register now to find out how best to support your child to build healthy friendships and relationships.
We are running these sessions virtually via Zoom, Monday the 16th to Thursday the 19th at 10am and 7.30pm and on Friday the 20th at 10am
Click here to register
NPC is on: Facebook & Instagram
National Parents Council Primary (Company limited by guarantee)
Registered: Dublin
Company Registration Number: 258148 Chari
Registered Address:
12 Marlborough Court
Marlborough Street
Dublin 1
D01 XP86
Tel: 00 353 1 8874034
Helpline: 00 353 1 8874477
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